Monday, May 1, 2017

Philipa - Poetess (Spoken Word Artist)

Short Profile
Philipa Fosu Gyamfi is the official name of Philips, the spoken word queen. She is currently studying for her BSc. in Business Administration in the University of Ghana, Legon. Philipa is very energetic and seems so motivated that she spits her mind in a way that will blow your mind. She is a vibrant member of Throne Room Perspective  (TRP), a spoken word group composed of young and poised youths blazing the mic to inspire.
"I am a Christian and I love poetry" Says Philipa

Artist statement
"I do spoken word because it's a form of art that allows me think out loud.
It's like therapy for me ...because som e of the things I write about are personal. ..and writing them down helps me deal with those things.
Sometimes it's like keeping a coded diary...
I do it also to entertain. ...I think my pieces usually have a lot of rhymes in them. I also try to do word play and a little alliteration here and there . At the same time I try to always send a message across anytime I write a piece". Philipa Fosu Gyamfi (2017)

Philipa's works are mainly the reflections of the contemporary and she is inspired by her immediate surrounding as well as her personal experience. She is determined to use her artistic ability to heal others and break odd bonds.
Her works can be accessed by following her on Facebook.

Social Media
Philipa can be connected to on social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the following profile handles.

IG @least_ov
Twitter @Philipagyamfi

"To me spoken word is 
Mind boggling
And it lives in us"


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