http://accradotaltradio.com/2017/04/chale-wote-2017-call-artists/ |
Chale Wote Streets Arts Festival is a unique artistic initiative that has been happening in Ghana, West Africa for the past six years. The Accra dotAltRadio who are the organizers of the annual event, surely hold the arts industry at heart. The festival brings into one accord, artists from various endeavors both on local and international scales and it has always been a great deal to represent your art. It is worth noting how many people troops the James Town streets and other places in the capital to participate in the festival every year. We welcome the 2017 edition as it commences from tomorrow, 14th August because it is a very much missed and well anticipated event.
That time when the streets in Accra see the assembling of artists and art lovers from far and near with one common purpose, to sell the art is here once again. The fancy dress codes, the display of fireworks, exhibition of society-reflective artifacts and more will groove this year's edition like goose.
The 2017 edition being the seventh in succession since it's commencement, is dubbed Wata Mata. Wata Mata is a jargon used in most countries within the West African sub region to mean Water Matters. According to Accra dotAltRadio the organizers of the event, "Wata Mata is the final installment in a CHALE WOTE trilogy that began with African Electronics, a blueprint for plugging into indigenous technologies to create the impossible and open up new spaces of social consciousness. Spirit Robot, a universal TRANSmitter of radical reconstruction, spread these electric pathways of knowledge into different directions, linking with global diasporas practicing and creating art about African liberation. More and more, we are compelled to turn to ourselves, to adapt and innovate our own systems to thrive. Wata Mata is where this work happens - in an endless space of form-making".
Chale Wrote - Wata Mata 2017 will last between 14th and 20th August, 2017 and will cover more streets in Accra than ever before in its history. Among the range of Artists called for included visual and installation artists, interventionists, musicians, makers, photographers, performance artists, filmmakers, thespians, poets, architects, fashion designers, graphic designers, scholars and more. It's going to be really interesting as Wata Mata 2017 gears the art-family to descend heavily on shaping the African history with the power of arts.
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